This Privacy Policy sets forth the policy of Accurus Aerospace Corporation (“Accurus”) with respect to nonpublic personal information that Accurus may collect through this website (the “Site”). This Privacy Policy applies to individuals only and may be changed at any time, provided that if we make any substantial change to this Privacy Policy, we will post a prominent announcement on the Site and will post the updated Privacy Policy here.

Accurus does not disclose any of this personal information to anyone, other than to its affiliates, and except as permitted by law, to Accurus’s attorneys and regulators and to certain service providers, such as a third party that hosts this Site.

This Site may use “cookies,” which may automatically collect certain information and data. “Cookies” are small pieces of data sent to your computer browser from Accurus’s web server and stored on your computer’s hard drive. The data identifies you as a unique user and facilitates your ongoing access to and use of this Site. Cookies also help Accurus diagnose problems with Accurus’s server.

Accurus seeks to carefully safeguard your private information and, to that end, restrict access to nonpublic personal information about you to those employees and to certain other persons, including service providers such as a third party that hosts this Site, who need to know such information.

If you have any questions or comments about Accurus’s Privacy Policy, please feel free to contact Accurus at